showing posts tagged with 'computer'
edited by on April 22nd 2015, at 12:58
The Trend Micro OfficeScan AEGIS engine may cause a desktop not to load during logon, resulting in a black screen with only the mouse cursor visible. The process explorer.exe is not loaded, nor can it be loaded through Task Manager.

The problem usually occurs on provisioned desktops, either through VDI (VMWare View) or some other 3rd party management solution (Dell Kace, etc). Various components of these solutions hook into key Windows components (Winlogon, Explorer extensions, etc), and are then being blocked by the Trend Micro Behavioral Analysis service (the AEGIS-engine).

A workaround is to either whitelist all the components, but this is often not a straight-forward solution. Another   ...
edited by on April 22nd 2015, at 12:25
There are limitations to using OneDrive for Business to synchronize items.

Maximum items* for OneDrive for Business20 000Maximum items* per Sharepoint document library5 000*** Files and folders.
** You can synchronize more than one library.

Maximum size per item2 GBMaximum name length for files and foldersSharepoint Server 2013: max. 128 chars
Sharepoint Online: max. 256 chars
Folder names: max. 250 chars
Maximum combined names (files and folders, aka "path": max. 250 charsInvalid characters:\ / : * ? " < > | &hash;
spaces are not supported
files starting with a ~Invalid chars (Sharepoint Server 2013):All of the above +
{ } % ~
names starting with a .Unsupported folder  ...
edited by on April 22nd 2015, at 12:12

An interesting take on why the ending of Bioshock Infinite would be improbable: (SPOILER ALERT!)

edited by on April 21st 2015, at 08:16

When attempting to install VMWare Tools on a Windows 2000 VM, you may get the following error:

Error message
Microsoft Runtime DLLs cannot be installed on this Operating System. Please see Microsoft KB835732

To resolve, you need to install Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB835732) (requires SP4 as well).

edited by on April 20th 2015, at 15:42
There are two methods of uninstalling vSphere Replication from your vcenter, depending on whether or not the replication appliance is still present and accessible.

Unregister the appliance from vCenter, then turn off and delete the appliance.

If not turned on, turn on the replication appliance.

Stop all replications in both directions.

Disconnect any open connections to other replication sites.

Connect to the VAMI of the appliance through web: https://vr-appliance-address:5480

From the Configuration tab, click Unregister from vCenter server.

In the vSphere Web client, power off and delete the replication appliance. The plug-in will be uninstalled automatically.

edited by on April 20th 2015, at 15:41

You can disable the page prompt "--More or (q)uit--" by entering the following command at the console:

terminal length 0

This disables the prompt, and allows you to do config dumps, or run show tech-support.

If you get an error about unrecognized command, your firmware is too old.

edited by on April 17th 2015, at 15:07

Dell Networking switches introduce a new port mode called switchport general. This type is a multi-purpose mode, combining access and trunk in one.

Access mode

The following gets written as:

switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 99
switchport mode general
switchport general allowed vlan add 99 untagged
switchport general pvid 99

Trunk mode

The following gets written as:

switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 99,100
switchport mode general
switchport general allowed vlan add 99,110 tagged
switchport general pvid 4095         (this is is the drop vlan)
edited by on April 15th 2015, at 11:30

Microsoft has officially released (some time ago) a tool to download and create your own Windows 8.1 installation media. The tool will request your language, architecture and edition, and how you want to create the media (as an USB stick, or as an ISO file for burning to a DVD). It will then download the necessary files and create your installation media.

The created media will accept all Windows 8.1 OEM, Retail Full, and Retail Upgrade keys. (For Windows 8, see here.)

You can download the tool here:

edited by on April 15th 2015, at 11:23
To (re)-install Windows 8 or 8.1 with retail or OEM media (including the online media creator), you can (temporarily) use the "generic" installation keys, officially provided by Microsoft.

These keys allow you to perform the installation, after which Windows will run in a 30-day trial mode, before a proper key and activation is required. The keys are language and platform-independent.

Windows 8.1 (Core)334NH-RXG76-64THK-C7CKG-D3VPTWindows 8.1 N(Core)6NPQ8-PK64X-W4WMM-MF84V-RGB89Windows 8.1 (Core) SLY9NXP-XT8MV-PT9TG-97CT3-9D6TCWindows 8.1 ProXHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKBWindows 8.1 Pro NJRBBN-4Q997-H4RM2-H3B7W-Q68KCWindows 8.1 Pro w/ Media CenterGBFNG-2X3TC-8R27F-RMKYB-JK7QTIf yo  ...
edited by on April 13th 2015, at 17:16
In Outlook, when sending e-mail on behalf of someone else, it is not saved to the Sent Items of that user's mailbox. This is particular a problem when dealing with shared mailboxes, where both incoming and outgoing mail for those mailboxes need to be available for all users that require access to the mailbox.

If you are running Outlook with Exchange 2010 (since SP2 RU4) or up, in non-cached mode, do not use this method. You will trigger an issue with Outlook keeping sent items in the Outbox of the current mailbox. See MS KB 2703723 for more information.

To resolve this, depends on the Exchange version:

Exchange 2010: use the Set-MailboxSentItemsConfigura  ...
edited by on April 10th 2015, at 15:43
Installation of Windows 7/2008 R2 Service Pack may fail with error 0x800f0a12 if access to the BCD was denied during installation, which is required during the installation of the service pack. This can occur if the volume automount policy was set to disabled, or, in rarer cases, if the BCD database is corrupt or missing, or if something is wrong with the boot partition (where the bootloader lives).

Open an elevated command prompt, and run DISKPART.

Enable the automount policy:

DISKPART> automount enable

Restart the server, and try installing the service pack again.

If the above did not resolve the issue, there may be a problem with the boot partition.

Make sure the partition is mar  ...
edited by on March 25th 2015, at 17:01
The iPhoto and OSX version support matrix.

iPhoto version 10.10 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.6 9.6   9.5.1   9.5     9.4.7     9.4.3   10.8.3 10.7.5   9.4   10.8.2 10.7.5   9.3.2   10.7.4   9.3   10.7.4   9.2.3   10.7.3 10.6.8 9.2.1   10.7.2 10.6.8 9.1.5     ...
edited by on March 25th 2015, at 16:55
If you have more than one Mac, and one of them is stuck at a certain version of iPhoto because it's no longer supported by Apple, you may have to install an older version on a newer version of OSX. OSX Lion, for instance, is restricted to version 9.4.3, so if you have another device with a newer version of OSX, you may also want to install 9.4.3 on that device, even though the App Store wants to install a newer version of iPhoto.

If you have a Time Machine backup with iPhoto 9.4.3, you could restore it from there. If not, you need the original software CD you used to install iPhoto on OSX Lion. If you do not have that either, there are other ways to get it, but this would be out of scope fo  ...
edited by on March 25th 2015, at 16:50

If you need iPhoto version 9.4.7, which was included in the OSX Mavericks GM release, here's the download link:

Download iPhoto 9.4.7

Do not install if you're not running OSX Mavericks!
There's no version check during installation, so attempting to install on an unsupported OSX version will break iPhoto.

edited by on March 25th 2015, at 16:25

If needed, you can use the iPhoto Library Upgrader to downgrade your library of iPhoto to an earlier version. In the tool, choose Rebuild library to do this. Do note that some of the features introduced in later versions of iPhoto will be erased from the library.

edited by on March 24th 2015, at 12:12

As you probably already have noticed, does Outlook prompt for credentials when configuring Outlook for use with a federated Office 365 account, regardless of whether you've set up your intranet zoning for your ADFS server in Internet Explorer options.

Apparently, this is unresolveable as Outlook (2013 and earlier) simply does not support SSO. It is currently unknown whether a subsequent version of Outlook will have this feature.


Oddly enough, Lync does support SSO.

edited by on March 20th 2015, at 12:02
In Windows 8 or 8.1, PC Settings may not start: clicking on it very briefly shows the purple background but then returns to the desktop or start screen. The Application event log shows the following error (or a similar one):

Event log
Activation of app windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy! failed with error: This app does not support the contract specified or is not installed. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.

A possible solution is to re-register the PC Settings app (also known as Immersive Control Panel) through Powershell. Run the following from an elevated command prompt:

powershell -Execu  ...
edited by on March 20th 2015, at 12:00
In Windows 8 or 8.1, the Windows Store may not start: clicking on it very briefly shows the green background but then returns to the desktop or start screen. The Application event log shows the following error (or a similar one):

Event log
Activation of app winstore_cw5n1h2txyewy!Windows.Store failed with error: This app does not support the contract specified or is not installed. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.

Running the WsReset.exe also produces an error.

A possible solution is to re-register the Windows Store through Powershell. Run the following from an elevated command prompt:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPa  ...
edited by on March 19th 2015, at 16:04
Internet Explorer's Enhanced Protected Mode is an additional layer of security that protects our computer against malicious content from exploiting Internet Explorer and prevents infections on your computer. It is available since Internet Explorer 10, and only on 64-bit versions of Windows. It works by running all Internet Explorer processes in 64-bit mode on a 64-bit computer. Starting from Windows 8, EPM also limits access to the registry and file system to certain (harmless) locations only, further enhancing security on that platform.

It is possible to enable EPM through Group Policy, provided you have the required Internet Explorer 10 ADMX or Internet Explorer 11 ADMX files present on y  ...
edited by on March 19th 2015, at 14:43
You can quickly configure message tracking logging through the Exchange Management Shell (EMS). Among the things you can set up are: the time the logs are to be kept, where they should be stored, the individual log file size, the total maximum size for the tracking logs directory, etc.

Retrieve the current settings for a server with:

Get-TransportServer <server-name> | Select MessageTracking*

Change those values with:

Set-TransportServer <server-name> <parameters>

In case your mailbox role is running on different servers, you also need to run:

Set-MailboxServer <server-name> <parameters>

Example: set the message tracking log for a server called EXCH01 to   ...
showing posts tagged with 'computer'
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