showing posts tagged with 'mac'
edited by on October 29th 2019, at 12:59
To get rid of Microsoft AutoUpdate on Mac, remove these files and folders:

In the System Library (you need "sudo"):

Folder: /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0

File: /Library/LaunchDaemons/

File: /Library/LaunchAgents/

File: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/

In your user's Library (needs to be done for each user):

File: ~/Library/Preferences/

File: ~/Library/Preferences/

Folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft AU Daemon

Folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Update Assistant

File: ~/L  ...
edited by on October 11th 2019, at 13:55

Not straightforward to find on the website (but with a little bit of Googling, here it is): an overview of the system requirements for VMware Fusion. All versions are listed:

edited by on September 27th 2018, at 10:35

Similar as on FreeBSD and Linux, you can add/remove static network routes through the command line with the route command. The syntax somewhat differs from Linux, though.

To add a route (e.g. subnet to gateway

sudo route -n add -net

To remove a route:

sudo route -n delete -net

To show the current route table, you can use netstat:

netstat -nr
edited by on August 16th 2018, at 10:13
MacPostfactor is a tool to install Mac OSX 10.8+ on older Macbooks that normally only support up to OSX 10.7 (Lion). It works through a combination of a highly customized installer, a replaced set of drivers and various frameworks, and the original installation app from the App Store. The installation can be done directly on a Macbook already running OSX Lion (so no USB disk required), or on an USB media for installation on another system.

You need an Intel-based Macbook capable of running OSX Lion (10.7) (otherwise your Mac is too old), but one that does not support OSX Mountain Lion (10.8) or higher. PowerPC-based Macs are not supported (they do not run OSX Lion).

The installer app of th  ...
edited by on October 9th 2017, at 14:42
To create an UEFI-bootable USB installer for ESXi 6.5 (or newer) on a Mac, follow the steps below.

First, you'll need an USB flash drive. Any recent drive will be large enough (you'll need at least 512MB). Also, download the latest ESXi installer ISO from My VMWare. You probably need a My VMWare account.

With the prereqs in place:

Insert the USB flash drive in the Mac and start up Disk Utility.

Erase the USB flash drive and choose to format it:Partition map = MBR

Filesystem = FAT32

Give it a descriptive name of your choosing.

After erasing the drive, we still have to mark the one partition on it as "active". Disk Utility does not support this and needs to be done using Termi  ...
edited by on September 16th 2017, at 10:28

You can very easily properly uninstall the Palo Alto GlobalProtect client on Mac OSX by running the included uninstallation script:

Open a Terminal and then run it by typing:

sudo /Applications/

Provide your password when asked and the script will uninstall GlobalProtect.

edited by on July 28th 2017, at 10:31
Safari has an option to automatically open files that are considered "safe". Usually these are document types (e.g. PDF) but sometimes it may become necessary to add other file extensions that are not considered "safe" by default. This can be achieved easily by adding/editing a plist configuration file to your profile (i.e. user-based setting).

The preferences file is located at ~/Library/Preferences/, and determines whether a specific file extension is considered safe or not.

If the file does not yet exist, create it with the contents below:

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.ap  ...
edited by on June 9th 2017, at 13:31
In VMWare Workstation and vSphere ESX, it is possible to set disks to be independent so they are not linked to snapshots. Independent disks can then be set to be Persistent (changes are written immediately and permanently to disk) or Non-persistent (changes are lost when the VM powers down). In VMWare Fusion, although this option does not seem to be present, it is still available, and can be configured by manually changing the parameters in the VM configuration file (.vmx).

A VM configuration file is a text-based file containing all the parameters and properties for a VM. This file can include options that are not present in the Fusion UI. By adding parameters manually, you can enable featu  ...
edited by on May 24th 2017, at 09:57

I had an issue with an app being stuck in Paused mode in Launchpad, and was unable to cancel/resume the update from the App Store because it wasn't listed in the updates list.

The solution, as stated here, was to open Launchpad, hold down the mouse on the app until it started jiggling, then clicking the delete button (x). The app reappeared normally and was even updated correctly.

The reason was probably the app got updated along with a system update, and Launchpad was unaware the update was completed.

edited by on January 30th 2017, at 11:33
Since Mac OSX Lion (10.7), it is possible to open a Terminal from a Finder window, similar to "Open Command Prompt" in Windows. The feature is available as a service and is by default disabled, but when enabled, it allows you to click a folder and then perform "Open Terminal", which will launch a terminal window at the specified folder.

To enable the "Open Terminal" service:

From Finder, click the Finder application menu, then under the Services menu, click Services Preferences.Alternatively, open System Preferences, click Keyboard, then Shortcuts and in the left pane, click Services.

In the right pane, scroll down to Files and Folders, and look for New Termi  ...
edited by on November 18th 2016, at 14:43
Now that Skype for Business 2016 for Mac is publicly available, you could get rid of the old Lync for Mac 2011. Preferably, this should be a clean uninstall. Microsoft has released KB2691870, explaining how to do this.

The uninstall is not very elaborate: dragging the Lync application to the Trash is sufficient but leaves configuration, preferences and chat history on your Mac. To get rid of those, remove the following files:




Remove these folders:

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Microsoft Lync Data

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Microsoft   ...
edited by on July 15th 2016, at 15:28

When running an app, you may encounter the following error:

Application is damaged and can't be opened.

When attempting to reinstall the app, the error persists.

To resolve, try running the following command from a terminal:

sudo xattr -rc /Applications/

Replace with the full path of the application that has the problem.

I had this problem when installing Wineskin Winery on a Mac OS X 10.8.5. A freshly downloaded copy immediately gave the error but after adjusting the attributes on the app, it worked properly.

edited by on June 9th 2016, at 16:31
Mac OSX creates .DS_Store files on network mapped folders to store metadata (such as position of icons, added comments on files and folders, etc.). On a local (Mac-formatted) disk, these are stored as filesystem metadata, but on network folders, this is not possible, so this data is stored in a file instead. While this file is hidden for Mac-users, Windows-users will immediately spot the file in each folder that's accessed by a Mac. The creation of these metadata files can be turned off for network shares on SMB/CIFS, AFP, NFS, and WebDAV servers.

Open a Terminal, and run the following command:

defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

This is a user setting s  ...
edited by on May 15th 2016, at 12:31
Control + Shift + Eject*Locks your Mac so you will have to unlock it with your password. Note that this will also sleep the display but the Mac will continue to run.
Command + Option + Eject*Puts the entire Mac asleep. This is the same as clicking on the Apple-icon at the left-top and choose "Sleep".

* Newer Macs: Eject = Power

To properly "lock" your Mac when using either of the shortcuts, you will have to enable Require password after sleep or screen saver begins (System Preferences → Security & Privacy). When not set to immediately, the configured delay will be used when using the shortcuts.

edited by on May 10th 2016, at 09:52

You can use Terminal in combination with AppleScript to set/change the wallpaper on your Mac. While not immediately obvious when you would need this, it might come in handy for automation purposes.

Open a Terminal and run the following command:

osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to set desktop wallpaper to POSIX file "/path/to/file.jpg"'

Replace /path/to/file.jpg with the full path of the file you want to use. All common formats (JPG, PNG, etc.) are supported.

edited by on April 8th 2016, at 17:22
Mac OSX 10.10.4 introduces TRIM support for third party SSDs. Until then, you had to use third party tools such as Trim Enabler in order to get TRIM on your SSD.

By default, when replacing your HDD with a third party SSD (i.e. an SSD not from Apple), TRIM is still not enabled. But you can run a simple command from a Terminal which will do just that:

sudo trimforce enable

This will enable TRIM on any SSD that supports it. Note that you will have to reboot for the changes to take effect.

If you wish to disable TRIM (why on earth would you do that?), you can run the same command, replacing enable with disable.

Note that trimforce does not completely replace Trim Enabler as it only enables   ...
edited by on February 10th 2016, at 15:55

With the latest updates of Outlook 2011 for Mac, when opening a message, the Save As function is grayed out, so you can no longer save individual messages like that.

However, you can still drag the message from the Outlook window to your desktop or to a folder in Finder. This creates a eml file that Outlook can read later when you double-click it, and also includes all attachments of that message.

If you need an e-mail as a PDF, you can simply use OSX'es built-in "print-to-PDF" functionality.

edited by on December 5th 2015, at 16:24
If you want to replace an Application icon (e.g. when using Wineskin to run Windows-applications), you can do so by replacing the icon file inside an app, located at:

However, sometimes, you will still see the old icon in Finder. This is due to the Finder icon cache, which only gets updated if certain files within the app have a new modified date. The icon file itself isn't one of them. In order to trigger Finder to update its icon cache, it is sufficient to update the modification time of two items by "touching" them from a Terminal:

touch /Applications/AppName.apptouch /Applications/

Normally, this wil  ...
edited by on December 2nd 2015, at 21:09
Configuration settings and preferences of Mac OS X apps are usually stored in a so-called plist (Property List file) file, stored in the folder ~/Library/Preferences. These files store a list of properties in a serialized way, and are binary (not readable/editable).

Mac OS X itself has some tools to view and edit property lists but they are not very efficient and easy to use. Luckily, the internet provides all sort of (free) tools to perform the task of viewing/editing these files much more easily.

The most easy-to-use I found is Prefs Editor, written by Thomas Tempelmann.

It is a very easy to use, intuitive, and foremost, a free tool which can view and edit property lists in real-time. I  ...
edited by on July 8th 2015, at 16:36
By default, only processes that are run directly by root are allowed to load kexts. When a user (non-root) process tries to load a kext, an error is logged in system.log similar to:

Request from non-root process 'netbiosd' (euid 222) to load /System/Library/Extensions/smbfs.kext - not allowed.

You can resolve the issue by allowing the specific kext (e.g.: smbfs.kext) to be loaded by non-root processes. This is done by editing the Info.plist file that's included with the kext, usually at /path/to/kext-name.kext/Contents/Info.plist.

Open a Terminal.

Locate the kext and edit its Info.plist file.In our example, this would be the file: /System/Library/Extensions/smbfs.kext/Contents/Info.plist  ...
showing posts tagged with 'mac'
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