by lunarg on August 24th 2015, at 12:06

You may encounter the following errors in the Application event log:

MSExchangeSA Event ID 9385
Microsoft Exchange System Attendant failed to read the membership of the universal security group '/dc=com/dc=domain/ou=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/cn=Exchange Servers'; the error code was '8007203a'. The problem might be that the Microsoft Exchange System does not have permission to read the membership of the group.

If this computer is not a member of the group '/dc=com/dc=domain/ou=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/cn=Exchange Servers', you should manually stop all Microsoft Exchange services, run the task 'add-ExchangeServerGroupMember,' and then restart all Microsoft Exchange services.

When looking at the members of the Exchange Servers group, the aforementioned server is a member.


Restart the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service on the server mentioned in the error. This can be done without downtime.